ADHD Treatment With Massage Therapy

Massage Therapist, Pediatric Massage Therapist
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment  The neurodevelopment mental disorder is known as an attention deficit hyperactive disorder or ADHD most often strikes children before the age of twelve. The symptoms may not seem out of the ordinary if the child has a natural tendency to be hyperactive, but when it goes over the top, the little one may need some expert help. Massage therapy has proven to help. It provides a calming method for dealing with the problem. Let us look at how a licensed massage therapist can change the tone for an ADHD child. Establishing a Rapport with the Child Before meeting with a child, the therapist at the clinic in Tampa, Florida ascertains the extent of the problem. With carefully worked out strategies in place, she gets the…
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Relieving Stress And Anxiety In Children Through Massage

Massage Therapist, Pediatric Massage Therapist
Stress And Anxiety Treatment Children are the precious little gifts that God has given us. They are what most people look forward to at the end of a long day. They can bring so much joy and playful mischief into our lives. That’s why it’s especially difficult for us when we see them going through anxiety or are under extreme stress. Most people don’t think that children can experience stress. After all, what do they have to worry about in life when they’re under the care of their parents? This is a common misconception. Children have feelings and emotions just like the rest of us and just like adults, they can also experience anxiety and stress. It’s difficult to watch because most of the time, we don’t know what to…
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Child Pain Management With Massage

Massage Therapist, Pediatric Massage Therapist
Child Pain Management Treatment Our children are everything to us. They mean the world and when something causes them pain, it’s almost unbearable for us. We don’t know how to make them feel better and all we can do is stand by and quietly offer support. Most of the time, that wouldn’t mean much as support in itself can’t take away the pain. Pain doesn’t target only children in certain stages of their lives. Children of all ages can experience acute and chronic pain. Sometimes, there are clear cut remedies and solutions to manage the pain but in most cases, the solution is not easy. So what can be done? While some cases can be treated using pain medication and other chemicals, there are some exceptions. More and more parents…
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ADHD Symptom Treatment with Massage

Massage Therapist, Pediatric Massage Therapist
ADHD Treatment Help The disorder categorized as a neurodevelopmental type, ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects both adults and the children. A person diagnosed with the condition exhibits the symptom of an inability to concentrate on a particular subject or anything for a long time. The person feels the need to be active all the time. Controlling someone diagnosed with the condition can take a while. The causes of the condition may be genetic, a premature birth or low weight at birth. During the gestation period, the mother may have indulged in excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking or recreational drugs.  An early damage to the brain while in the womb is also another factor contributing to ADHD. Touch therapy There are myriad ways to deal the problem. Massage therapy…
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Jakki Bosco joined the Liddle Kidz Foundation ambassador volunteer team in the Philippines

Pediatric Massage Therapist
Liddle Kidz Foundation It is the vision of the Liddle Kidz Foundation Global to make a true difference for infants and children who have been orphaned and abandoned.  We achieve this goal by incorporating sustainable and replicable programs into orphanages and residential care settings around the globe. LKF Global Volunteers Liddle Kidz Foundation Global Volunteer Ambassadors work with government organizations, orphanages, healthcare, childcare and residential settings worldwide. During these volunteer programs, LKF Global volunteer ambassadors share their expertise to improve the lives of infants, children and their caregivers. Volunteer programs offer specific developmentally appropriate care for children and education for their caregivers.  We focus our efforts on initiatives that are sustainable, responsible and support the communities where we work. Why do you feel you would be an asset to the…
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