
Massage Therapy & Psychotherapy combined improves your overall health and well being

Massage Therapist
An integrative and conjoint approach Massage therapy and Psychotherapy are two different things. Massage therapy works with the body to improve a person’s quality of life while Psychotherapy works with a person’s mind to achieve the same goal. Plenty of issues can make a person look for psychotherapy and massage therapy. Issues ranging from eating disorders to sexual and physical traumas as well as countless more can all push a person onto a quest for help. It is well documented that talk therapy works but can only go a certain distance when a person’s issues involve the complete alienation of their body. Touch has been found to be an important and understated part of the process. Increase serotonin and dopamine levels Massage therapists have been observed to increase serotonin and…
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Massage Therapy To Relieve Back Pain And Improve Mobility

Massage Therapist
Massage Therapy  According to a study published in The Lancet, low back pain is one of the leading causes of disability. Statista shows that 49% of the American adults are prone to back pain, an extremely worrying figure. There are several factors such as stress, obesity, poor posture, arthritis, strained muscles, sprained ligaments, and ruptured discs, which cause back pain among adults. Even simple activities where you have to pick a pen because it fell on the floor can cause back pain. Although there are several medications which make it easier to tolerate back pain, it is not a viable solution, as they come with a myriad of side effects. Instead of adding one problem to another, the best solution is to get massage therapy, as it alleviates the symptoms…
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What is neuromuscular massage therapy (Trigger Point Release)?

Massage Therapist
In a world where stress is the root cause of most illnesses, going to therapy has become an inevitable practice for urban people. A nice massage can help anyone take it easy and relieve a lot of the week's stress. We need licensed massage therapists and an environment where our stress is alleviated from our body so that we can perform to our maximum potential. We all may have noticed our muscles spasm for no apparent reason from time to time. This, while largely due to stress may also be a sign of excessive work being performed which the muscle may not be able to take. Ignoring such spasms can be life-threatening. Tampa bay Clinic explains Neuromuscular massage therapy and its benefits in the following ways: What is Neuromuscular Therapy…
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What is a Therapeutic Massage?

Massage Therapist
A therapeutic massage is a healing remedy. It can be relaxing but it is not the main purpose of such massages. Therapeutic massages are curative and provide therapy for specific health reasons. A licensed massage therapist can offer therapeutic massages as per specific requirements of individuals. Tampa massage centers are one of the best in the country for different types of therapeutic massages. About therapeutic massages Therapeutic massages combine relaxation massages with specific remedial therapies. Therapeutic massages can include components of Swedish, deep tissue, and other massages. It can involve gentle and soothing circular movements to deep pressure to release tension from sore muscles. Therapeutic massages are often a part of physical rehabilitation programs or but also used as standalone therapies. Licensed therapists tailor therapeutic massages for each person undergoing…
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What is a Relaxation Massage?

Massage Therapist
A relaxation massage is a therapy to provide complete relaxation and rejuvenation to a person. It is excellent to reduce fatigue, relieve stress, and achieve a calmer state of mind. A licensed massage therapist can provide relaxation massage in the right way for you to enjoy its many benefits. About relaxation massage Relaxation massages are therapies that involve gentle and long hand strokes to apply pressure on the muscles. Such massage styles are perfect for providing relief to tired limbs and muscles. Relaxation massages can provide various benefits for the mind and the body. With regular therapy sessions, you can enjoy improved circulation, better skin tone, balanced hormones, improved sleep, reduced stress, elevated mood, and supple ligaments. When the muscles are relaxed and supple, it can keep your energy levels…
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