What is a Therapeutic Massage?

A therapeutic massage is a healing remedy. It can be relaxing but it is not the main purpose of such massages. Therapeutic massages are curative and provide therapy for specific health reasons. A licensed massage therapist can offer therapeutic massages as per specific requirements of individuals. Tampa massage centers are one of the best in the country for different types of therapeutic massages.

About therapeutic massages

Therapeutic massages combine relaxation massages with specific remedial therapies. Therapeutic massages can include components of Swedish, deep tissue, and other massages. It can involve gentle and soothing circular movements to deep pressure to release tension from sore muscles.

Therapeutic massages are often a part of physical rehabilitation programs or but also used as standalone therapies. Licensed therapists tailor therapeutic massages for each person undergoing it. It can vary for athletes, people with injuries, pregnant women, or those under a lot of stress.

Uses of therapeutic massages

Therapeutic massages are ideal for reducing stress and symptoms of depression. Those who are experiencing pain due to other health conditions or fatigue can benefit greatly from regular therapeutic massages. Arthritis, fibromyalgia, and sciatica can be extremely debilitating conditions that can cause a lot of pain and affect mobility. Therapeutic massages can provide a lot of relief to those suffering from orthopedic pain and conditions.

Those who have experienced repetitive injures can use therapeutic massages for relief. People in professions such as carpentry, construction, and those using the computer for typing work can experience strain due to repeated movements. Athletes regularly suffer from injuries and require extensive rehabilitation therapies. These people can utilize benefits of therapeutic massages for relief.

Therapeutic massages can improve circulation and keep your limbs in proper working order. These massages can improve heart health, increase lung capacity, balance the hormones, and boost immunity. Those who suffer from high blood pressure can greatly benefit from regular therapeutic massages. People who are stressed and experience anxiety can use therapeutic massages to improve their condition.

Therapeutic massages can aid a person’s well being and relax the mind completely. Regular therapeutic massages can improve brain functioning as a result of reduced stress and better health.

Utilizing the benefits of therapeutic massages

A trained therapist will take into account your medical history and your need for therapeutic massages to formulate a unique plan for you. The number of session each month and the duration of each session can vary from person to person. A good therapist understands that a person with a strain injury required different therapeutic massage than another seeking it to reduce mental stress. So, the therapist will also devise techniques for your therapeutic massage, which will be most suitable for you.

Contact Our Mobile Massage Clinic | The Villages, Florida

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In Home or In Office Massages by Jacqueline in the Central Florida area. Certified for many different massages and treatments. Specializing in Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) post surgery recovery massage.

To schedule an appointment with Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Advanced Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist, Jacqueline Bosco CMLDT, Oncology, please call (813) 298-5603.   We believe nothing is more important than human touch.

Providing massage services to patients in The Villages FL, Sumter County, Leesburg, Eustis, Mount Dora, Tavares, Lady Lake, Fruitland Park, Wildwood, Bushnell and surrounding areas in Florida.

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