What is Reiki Massage Therapy?
Reiki Massage Therapy Reiki, sometimes also called Reiki Massage, is designed to empower the body’s ability to heal by correcting energy imbalances deep within the body. As a hands-on therapeutic technique, Reiki promotes emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being by helping patients find deep and soothing relaxation and promoting the body’s natural healing processes. For many patients, Reiki can offer significant relief from pain, fatigue, stress, anxiety, and depression. Although the practice of Reiki is actually only about a hundred years old, it is premised upon ancient Eastern medical precepts that life is bound together by vital energy, known in Chinese as Qi. When our natural energy is in balance, our body has a powerful ability to heal and protect itself from disease and mental disturbances. When, however, our natural energy is blocked or becomes stagnant due to physical…