Women’s Health: Celebs Are Obsessed With Lymphatic Drainage Massages That Claim To Flush Toxins And Nix Bloat

Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Massage
Pull up a spa menu online and there’s a solid chance you’ll see a lymphatic drainage massage on there claiming to help flush toxins, amp up immunity, and nix water weight and bloat. All the cool kids are doing it: Hailey Biebs and Selena Gomez were spotted getting the treatment, and Meghan Markle once raved about a lymphatic facial. Heck, Chrissy Teigen rocked a lymphatic massage jacket recently. Why the obsession? Let’s start with a bio lesson (it’s a quickie, promise). The lymphatic network—a network of vessels and organs—lies under your skin. It’s a crucial part of the immune system and works kind of like a garbage disposal (totally not gross!). "It acts like a sanitation system for our body by getting rid of 'waste' that our body naturally produces, or other things that can invade our body, like…
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Six Benefits of Hand and Foot Massage

Hand and Foot Massage Benefits  Take a minute or two and think about how much we rely on our hands and feet each minute of each day. When you really stop to consider it, even the simplest, everyday activity often involves either our hands, our feet, or even both simultaneously! So it should come as no big surprise that tension in our hands and/or our feet can take a huge toll on our health and it should come as no big surprise that relieving that tension can have a huge positive impact on our overall well-being!  Reflexology is a specific massage technique based on the ancient premise that our entire body is fully interconnected, and that addressing pressure points in one area of the body impacts other organs and/or bodily systems. Reflexology, or…
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Do you have neck pain? A massage can help.

Neck Pain Massage Therapy A sore, stiff, or achy neck is an all-too-common part of life, especially as we age. Whether your neck pain is a chronic or recurrent problem that you’ve been coping with throughout your life, whether it’s the result of a traumatic event such as a car accident, or whether you simply “slept on it wrong”, it can be tough to make it through the day when you can’t easily move your neck without discomfort. And whatever the cause, neck pain can lead to a significant increase in stress and anxiety, which can, in turn, further aggravate your discomfort.   Unfortunately, identifying the ultimate cause of neck pain can be extremely difficult, complicating efforts to treat the pain effectively. Even if you know the event that led to the neck pain—such as whiplash from a car accident—knowing how the…
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Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLD) After Plastic Surgery

Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Massage
Your Lymphatic system Your lymphatic system helps eliminate your body’s waste. A healthy, active lymphatic system uses the natural movements of smooth muscle tissue to do this. However, surgery, medical conditions, or other damage can cause fluids to build up in your lymph system and your lymph nodes, a condition known as lymphedema. If you’ve ever had a surgery on or involving your lymph nodes, your doctor may suggest a lymphatic drainage massage performed by a certified massage therapist. What Is Lymphatic Drainage Massage? Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues. Some health conditions can cause lymph fluid to build up. Lymphatic massage…
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8 Benefits of Reiki Massage Therapy

Reiki Massage Therapy  Reiki (roughly translated from the Japanese as “spiritually-guided life energy”) is powerful form of energy healing. The goal of Reiki massage therapy is quite simple, yet simultaneously profound: to restore a healthy and flowing energy balance deep within the body. Premised on the idea that blocks and/or imbalances in our vital life force, or “qi” (pronounced “chee”) make us susceptible to physical and mental disturbances, Reiki promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness by unblocking and rebalancing that natural flow of energy.   Should I try Reiki? We get that question a lot, and the answer is nearly always a resounding YES!   We have found that most of our clients experience profound benefits from Reiki, whether they are looking to relieve stress, manage specific symptoms, or simply improve their…
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