Massage Therapy for Chronic Pain Relief

Massage Therapist
What is chronic pain syndrome (CPS)? Pain is your body's normal reaction to an injury or illness, a warning that something is wrong. When your body heals, you usually stop hurting. But for many people, pain continues long after its cause is gone. When it lasts for 3 to 6 months or more, it’s called chronic pain. When you hurt day after day, it can take a toll on your emotional and physical health. About 25% of people with chronic pain will go on to have a condition called chronic pain syndrome (CPS). That’s when people have symptoms beyond pain alone, like depression and anxiety, which interfere with their daily lives. CPS can be hard to treat, but it's not impossible. A mix of treatments like counseling, physical therapy, and…
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What is a Swedish Massage?

Massage Therapist
Swedish Massage Massage therapy involves working the muscles in different ways to achieve the desired therapeutic results. One of the most popular massage styles is the Swedish massage. It is helpful in providing deep relaxation to a person when performed by a licensed massage therapist. So, if you are looking for a Tampa massage center or elsewhere; always select a therapist who is qualified and experienced in performing the bodywork you want to utilize. Swedish massage – what is it? Swedish massage is a massage technique that focuses on superficial muscles to completely relax them. The massage is performed using specialized movements such as long strokes, sliding movements, kneading actions, rubbing, percussion-like finger movements etc. It can also include joint movements (stretching, bending) and some therapists may use them during…
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Pain Treatment with Massage – Arthritis, Fibromyalagia, Back Pain, Headaches and More

Massage Therapist
Pain Treatment with Massage According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. You might be wondering how to treat your pain, and massage therapy is one option that is showing promise. Research continues to support the health benefits of massage therapy for pain management. Find out how massage therapy can help these five painful conditions. Fibromyalgia, back pain, post-operative pain, tension headaches, and arthritis are chronic pain syndromes that can be positively impacted by massage therapy. Arthritis treatment with massage In a study of massage therapy for knee osteoarthritis, a group receiving massage therapy for the pain showed significant improvement in pain, stiffness and physical function. They increased their range of motion and reduced the time it took them to walk 50…
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ADHD Treatment With Massage Therapy

Massage Therapist, Pediatric Massage Therapist
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment  The neurodevelopment mental disorder is known as an attention deficit hyperactive disorder or ADHD most often strikes children before the age of twelve. The symptoms may not seem out of the ordinary if the child has a natural tendency to be hyperactive, but when it goes over the top, the little one may need some expert help. Massage therapy has proven to help. It provides a calming method for dealing with the problem. Let us look at how a licensed massage therapist can change the tone for an ADHD child. Establishing a Rapport with the Child Before meeting with a child, the therapist at the clinic in Tampa, Florida ascertains the extent of the problem. With carefully worked out strategies in place, she gets the…
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Relieving Stress And Anxiety In Children Through Massage

Massage Therapist, Pediatric Massage Therapist
Stress And Anxiety Treatment Children are the precious little gifts that God has given us. They are what most people look forward to at the end of a long day. They can bring so much joy and playful mischief into our lives. That’s why it’s especially difficult for us when we see them going through anxiety or are under extreme stress. Most people don’t think that children can experience stress. After all, what do they have to worry about in life when they’re under the care of their parents? This is a common misconception. Children have feelings and emotions just like the rest of us and just like adults, they can also experience anxiety and stress. It’s difficult to watch because most of the time, we don’t know what to…
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