Certified Advanced Scar Tissue Release Massage Therapist
Scar Tissue Massage MSTR or McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release is an effective, gentle, and natural way to work on scar tissue. The massage can help the scar, as well as its surrounding areas, to quickly return to normalcy. The massage is performed using fingertips and gently applying pressure moves. The focused and purposeful moves assist to gently releasing the restrictions on scar tissue. There is no force used during the massage and lotions, oils, or chemicals are also not used. It is a unique technique that exclusively focuses on scar tissue. Have you got a scar? Check out the following instances of scars that have diminished due to scar tissue release massage: Surgical scars, such as the following: Hysterectomy scars Mastectomy enhancement or reduction scars Scars from heart surgery Appendix…