
MLD Massage Helps Improve Circulation After Surgery

Improve Circulation After Surgery No one wants to be laid up for a long time after undergoing a surgical procedure. After all, usually we undergo surgery in order to improve our health and quality of life. So it’s natural to do everything possible to increase your healing time after a surgical procedure. Of course the healing process after surgery is different for every person. Your recovery will depend on the type of surgery, whether you are coping with a chronic or long-term illness, and your overall state of health before and after your procedure. But there are things you can do to make your recovery time as short as possible. Eat a healthy diet (as allowed by your surgeon’s instructions) even if you don’t always feel like eating, and always…
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Massage Helps Prevent Scar Tissue Buildup After Surgery

Surgery Scar Treatment Scar formation is a natural part of the healing process after any surgical procedure. But if left untreated, scars can have several long-term side effects. The most visible side effect is aesthetic. Large build-ups of scar tissue can be unsightly and even potentially embarrassing, depending on the location. Yet scars can also have long-term physical repercussions, including discomfort, itching, stiffness, and limited mobility. In some cases, too much scar tissue can actually undermine the results of the surgical procedure. Addressing the buildup of scar tissue during the healing process can help avoid many of these long-term issues. One of the most effective methods of reducing the buildup of scar tissue is a specialized form of massage known as manual lymphatic drainage. Incorporating this massage technique into your…
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Stop Swelling Post-Surgical Complications Before It Happens with MLD

Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Massage, Massage Therapist
Reduce Swelling Swelling is the body’s natural way to respond to an injury or trauma. When the body senses an injury, it responds by rushing extra lymphatic fluid containing white bloods cells to the injured area. As the excess fluid builds up around the injury, it causes the enlargement we call swelling. When the body can’t heal itself, we can—thankfully—aid the healing process with a surgical procedure. Our body, however, reacts to the trauma of the surgery as it would to any other injury: by rushing extra lymphatic fluid and white blood cells to the area of the surgery. Thus, swelling is a natural and common reaction to most surgical procedures. Yet although swelling is a natural response after a surgery, that doesn’t mean the body should be left to…
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Reduce Post-Surgical Pain with MLD Massage

Massage Can Help Reduce and Relieve Pain After Surgery Pain is a common and unfortunate result of most, if not all, surgical procedures. For most patients, post-surgical discomfort is a temporary condition that will naturally subside as healing progresses. Effectively managing post-operative pain is often key to a successful recovery. If you are coping with extreme or poorly-managed pain, you may find it difficult to begin moving or to participate in other recovery therapies in a timely fashion. In the worst case scenario, post-operative pain can, if not addressed effectively, become chronic, lingering for months after the procedure. Prescription-strength medications—including opioids and other “pain killers”—have traditionally been used to manage post-operative pain. Many physicians and surgeons are beginning to recognize that specialized massage techniques such as manual lymphatic drainage can…
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How a Massage Therapy Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Well-being

Massage Therapist
Massage Therapy  Massage therapy can be a powerful tool for anyone seeking to improve physical and mental well-being. From injury prevention to general relaxation, massage therapy has also been shown to improve blood circulation, boost the immune system, and promote healthy sleep patterns. Targeted massage can help relieve both chronic and acute pain, including headaches, muscle tension, and back pain. But perhaps massage is best known for its ability to reduce stress and minimize anxiety, while promoting focus and concentration. For this reason, an increasing number of businesses—both small and large—have turned to company-sponsored massage programs to help their employees stay healthy and relaxed. And in fact, ensuring that your employees have access to regular, high-quality massage can have significant and immediate benefits for both you and your team. Benefits…
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