What is Lymphedema? Diagnosis and Treatment

Understanding Lymphedema

Diagnosis When there’s a risk of lymphedema, such as after cancer surgery involving lymph nodes, a diagnosis can be based on observed signs and symptoms. However, if the cause isn’t immediately clear, imaging tests may be ordered to examine the lymphatic system:

  • MRI Scan: This technique generates high-resolution 3D images of the affected tissue using a magnetic field and radio waves.
  • CT Scan: Providing detailed cross-sectional views of bodily structures, CT scans can reveal lymphatic system blockages through X-ray imaging.
  • Ultrasound: Using sound waves to create internal images, this test detects obstructions within the lymphatic and vascular systems.
  • Lymphoscintigraphy: By injecting a person with a radioactive dye and scanning them, this test visualizes the movement of the dye through lymph vessels, highlighting any blockages.

Lymphedema Treatment Options

Treatment While there’s no outright cure for lymphedema, managing it involves reducing swelling and preventing complications:

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) serves as a method to alleviate swelling, such as lymphedema resulting from fluid retention, which can arise due to cancer or its treatment.

Lymphedema specialists employ various types of manual lymphatic drainage techniques, including Vodder, Földi, and Casley-Smith. While these methods share similarities, each involves slightly distinct massage movements. Your specialist will provide detailed insights into these variations.

Additionally, Fluoroscopy guided manual lymphatic drainage (FG-MLD) stands as another subtype of MLD. This massage-like technique uses light pressure to guide trapped fluid toward functioning lymph vessels.

How does manual lymphatic drainage massage work?

MLD aims to redirect fluid from the swollen region to an area where the lymphatic system functions properly. Specialized skin movements are employed by the specialist to initially prepare the targeted drainage area. While it might seem peculiar to have skin movements on your chest and neck when dealing with lymphoedema in your breast, this technique creates a pathway for fluid drainage when the therapist works on your breast.

Other Treatment Options:

  • Medications: Antibiotics may be prescribed to combat the increased risk of skin infections like cellulitis, which often accompany lymphedema.
  • Therapy: Specialized therapists educate individuals about techniques and tools to alleviate lymphedema, including:
  • Exercises: Gentle muscle contractions in the affected limb aid in moving excess fluid out.
  • Compression bandages and garments: These encourage lymph fluid drainage and proper compression, typically requiring professional fitting or prescription.
  • Sequential pneumatic compression: A pump-connected sleeve intermittently applies pressure to move lymph fluid away from affected areas.

Surgical and Other Procedures In cases where lymphedema is severe or in its early stages, surgical options may be considered:

  • Lymph node transplant: Transplanting lymph nodes from another area to the affected limb can yield positive results, reducing the need for extensive compression.
  • Creating new drainage paths: This procedure establishes connections between lymph and blood vessels to remove excess lymph fluid through blood vessel pathways.
  • Removal of fibrous tissue: Severely affected limbs might benefit from removing hardened tissues, either through liposuction or, in extreme cases, surgical removal of hardened tissue and skin.

Contact Our Mobile Lymphatic Drainage Massage Clinic | The Villages, Florida

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In Home or In Office Massages by Jacqueline in the Central Florida area. Certified for many different massages and treatments. Specializing in Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) post surgery recovery massage.

To schedule an appointment with Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Advanced Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist, Jacqueline Bosco CMLDT, please call (813) 298-5603.   We believe nothing is more important than human touch.

Providing massage services to patients in The Villages, Florida, Sumter County, Lady Lake, Fruitland Park, Leesburg, Tavares, Mount Dora, Wildwood, Bushnell, and surrounding areas.

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